Category: Uncategorized

Suwannee County represents in Tallahassee

Once again rural counties spent a couple of days representing their communities in Tallahassee. With 27 counties in attendance, it was by far the largest Rural Counties Day event of any yet. The Suwannee County team including all the County Commissioners, the County Administrator, and the Economic Development staff participated and were able to promote… Read more »

Project Wave Docks in Suwannee County

LIVE OAK (SUWANNEE COUNTY, FL) — Rhino Inc. has announced its plan to construct a new manufacturing facility in Suwannee County to expand its Wave Armor line of products. Wave Armor produces floating docks with numerous available accessories to maximize space and make it easily accessible for water activities like boating, jet skiing, paddle boarding,… Read more »

Duke Energy Helps Suwannee County Reach the “Next Level”

Duke Energy Next Level Retail Strategies

Suwannee County Economic Development would like to thank Duke Energy and their Economic Development team for helping rural North Florida in our quest to take our communities to the “next level”. Last week, the team from Retail Strategies provided excellent insights into the retail industry and showed analytics to identify gaps in our local economies…. Read more »

Suwannee County Hosts Regional Economic Development Meeting

Group listening to presentation

Suwannee County was proud to host the March meeting of the North Florida Economic Development Partnership. It was a day filled with fellowship, informative speakers, and wonderful food. The room was filled with attendees from all over the North Florida region and we appreciate everyone who traveled to participate.

$10 Million Closer to Broadband

Workers from Conexon and Musgrove Construction facing a bucket truck

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s Office of Broadband has awarded Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative two grants totaling $10 million! The grants will help defray the costs of building their 100% fiber-to-the-home network, which will span over 4,100 miles of line and cost up to $93 million. We are incredibly grateful to have the Office… Read more »