Category: Uncategorized

Suwannee County Board of County Commissioners takes economic growth seriously

Suwannee County Commissioners with Jimmy Norris

Recently the Suwannee County Commissioners attended the Florida Rural Economic Development Association (FREDA) summit in St. Augustine. FREDA is a consortium comprised of the three rural areas of opportunity representing 30 rural counties in Florida. The FREDA summit is the premier event focused exclusively on rural economic development issues and held sessions on such topics… Read more »

Norris Honored to Serve Rural North Florida

Suwannee County Economic Development Director, Jimmy Norris, has been appointed chairman of the North Florida Economic Development Partnership (NFEDP). Past Chairman Darryl Register from Baker County and Mayor Julie Conley from the City of Monticello welcome Jimmy aboard. NFEDP is a public/private, 501c(6) entity dedicated to facilitating economic development activity through high-quality job growth and capital… Read more »

Companies Break Ground in Suwannee County

Construction at Urgent Care

Exciting things are happening on the north end of Suwannee County! Three new businesses are breaking ground at the US Hwy 129 and I-10 corridor. We would like to congratulate the following companies and thank them for their investment in Suwannee County: Palms Medical Group which is expanding at 211 Ranchera Street in Live Oak,… Read more »

Governor Ron DeSantis awards $1.9 million to Suwannee County

Governor DeSantis presents a check to Suwannee County Chairman

Suwannee County would like to thank Governor Ron DeSantis and his team for supporting economic development initiatives. Economic development is one of our highest priorities but our goals of increasing our tax base, creating new jobs, and improving the quality of life for all who live here can only be achieved if we have the… Read more »

SVEC announces major fiber project

Commissioners, EDO, and Senator Loranne Ausley

We were thrilled to be at Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) today as they announced their plan to build a 100% fiber optic network across the co-op’s service territory. With SVEC’s new subsidiary, Rapid Fiber Internet, they are working to close the digital divide and bring high-speed fiber internet to SVEC consumer-members. This will deliver… Read more »